Teas made with nature

We feel that teas that are grown in accordance with natural cycles, have the ability
to awaken and restore the rhythm and power of those who drink them. Because of
the nature of the historical Japanese processes that prioritize freshness we find that
our teas taste like the nature that surrounds us. Kyoku teas are 100% organic and
have been grown for centuries with the spring waters and the rich, forested terroir
found only at the foot of Mt. Fuji.

Teas made
with nature

We feel that teas that are grown in accordance with natural cycles, have the ability
to awaken and restore the rhythm and power of those who drink them. Because of
the nature of the historical Japanese processes that prioritize freshness we find that
our teas taste like the nature that surrounds us. Kyoku teas are 100% organic and
have been grown for centuries with the spring waters and the rich, forested terroir
found only at the foot of Mt. Fuji.

A natural-brew method

Our natural-brew method (a combination of natural
temperature & time) is as much a philosophy as it is
a method. We craft teas with a patent-pending
process that refines generations of tea-making
expertise and allows our teas to be brewed with
extraordinarily ease at a more natural temperature.

This unique roasting processes releases the true
depth of flavor that nature intended, and produces
superior teas that are simple to prepare. This method
allows you to brew teas at a table temperature or
cooler, so you don’t need to fuss with brewing times
and precise temperatures. They are perfect every
time and delightfully nuanced and delicious.

true simplicity in a new flavor ritual

perfectly brewed, every time

Simply fill a bottle or glass with pure, or
filitered, natural temperature water (room temp
or cooler).

Place the teabag in water, shake it gently and
let it sit between one to two hours, depending
on your preference. Less time will produce be
smooth and balanced and full of theanine,
while a little longer steep time will add just a
touch more caffeine, catechins and a slightly
hop-like astringency.

You should notice a clean boost in focus, energy
and creative capacity, without any crashing or
jitters. If you are sensitive to caffeine, please
take the teabag out around two hours, as it can
continue to extract afterward.

natural rhythms and rituals

Inside of us are ecosystems, that respond to
rhythms, forces and cycles outside of ourselves
like the teas themselves. We believe that we each
have our own path through the world and
different rhythms throughout the day so there
seems to be no right time to drink it, but being
intentional about when you expect to, allows you
the time to prepare it with the optimum slow
brew time. We find one hour,or more,is ideal
but the bottle can be shaken to enjoy more quickly.

Your personal approach enables a new ritual that
promotes equilibrium in the body and mind and
radiates outward to those that you meet.

Nature is our inspiration and our guide

Our line of natural-brewed teas are the result of several overlapping cycles; the macro and
micro-cycles and seasons of nature, the rhythms and expertise of our people, their traditional
practices and the introduction of (patent-pending) innovation to produce the finest outcomes
for drinking tea.

These cycles are represented by our sustainable, low-water, organic and shade-grown farming
practices, the inter-generational artisan wisdom being passed down over time and the regional
biodiversity and mineral richness that supports our outstanding teas.

In your nature

finding your unique rhythm

Once you find your favorite tea, we offer a few suggestions about finding the best way to fit
Kyoku teas into your unique, daily rhythm.

Some people prepare it immediately after their lunch to enjoy during the early afternoon
hours when they might typically reach for a coffee to combat an afternoon lull. Some like it
first thing in the morning. Experimenting with your own preferences will make for a lasting
and enjoyable ritual. We hope you enjoy the journey like a transportive forest bath.

“Ritual is the way you carry the presence of the sacred.
Ritual is the spark that must not go out.”
–Christina Baldwin

“Ritual is the way you carry the presence of the sacred.
Ritual is the spark that must not go out.”
–Christina Baldwin